


    STATUS Trade completed

    • alpacasnacs initiated the trade.
    • alpacasnacs

      I wanna help you get your art! Or at least stuff you can trade to GET more art!

    • llamas_attack

      I'M SO SORRY IT'S TAKEN ME SO LONG TO RESPOND!! Just so you're aware, this is RJ's art, but it's a pretty sweet deal you're offering!

    • llamas_attack

      I just don't want to accept under false pretenses so I'll let you let me know if you still want this as your trade

    • alpacasnacs

      Oh hey you're good!! I have a spare bronze Proposal in addition to these 2 so I'm happy to give you them, my goal is just one of each

    • alpacasnacs

      Or were you saying the lilindCARDS is by RJ? Either way this is definitely a good trade for me imo

    • alpacasnacs

      One with a bit of custom art I don't have, in exchange for 3 I have multiple of, is very good!!

    • llamas_attack

      If you're happy then I'm happy! You've got a deal!

    • llamas_attack accepted the trade.