Compound Interest
So there's this really esoteric economics principle...
1 / 10
Looking for: love (and outer wilds cards)
So there's this really esoteric economics principle...
1 / 10
For years, these solemn pilgrims said a daily prayer. For years, they were denied.
11 / 20
When two consenting adults love each other very much...
24 / 50
An arrogant commander sends his troops to their death, then wonders why they died.
37 / 50
So there's this really esoteric economics principle...
85 / 100
Under sterilized office building lights, your wife toils away. The least you can do is tell her you love her.
49 / 100
In his first season, he set all-time records for balls played with, floors shit on, and overall confidence.
26 / 100
A fleeting image, sure not to stick around for long.
62 / 100
A star so bright not even a [redacted] could dull their shine.
40 / 100
The noon bell tolls, and the most devout parishioners make offerings to their gods.
89 / 100