


    STATUS Trade completed

    • randommisao initiated the trade.
    • randommisao

      Can't offer a lot but I got a sir for a sir! Also did you know there was a search bar? I saw it after I found the card. My poor fingers. xD

    • Icelos420

      LUL, yeah I noticed there was a search bar immediatly :D. I can't trade this, but I will make you an offer :D

    • randommisao

      Awesome thank you i will look at the offer. :D Not me collecting the number 8/x cards

    • Icelos420

      If you want the number 8, you can have it no probs :D

    • Icelos420 accepted the trade.
    • randommisao

      awesome interested in all the number 8 but i dont really have much to trade XD